Prospective foreign students

How to Apply

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Would you like to study at UQAM? Here are the steps to follow.

The following section covers admission to a regular program of study. For study as an exchange student, please consult (For management programs:

Almost 250 UQAM programs are open to foreign students. You will certainly find a program that suits you. Choosing a program is a decisive step in your study project and it requires some thoughtful research.

Note that prospective foreign students are eligible only for full-time programs.

Learn about the types of undergraduate and graduate programs.

Consult the list of programs.

At UQAM, the evaluation of your application is based on the file you submit. You must therefore ensure that you meet all the requirements associated with the programs of your choice. Consult the programs' pages to learn about the specific admission requirements that apply to each.

For limited enrolment undergraduate programs, your application will be evaluated according to certain criteria and specific selection means such as a minimum grade average, tests or a portfolio submission.

If you have a diploma from outside Quebec and it does not meet the French language proficiency requirements, you will have to include the result you obtained on the Test de français international (TFI) with your application. Other tests may also attest to French proficiency.

Some graduate-level programs require that you have found a professor who is qualified to supervise your master's thesis or doctoral dissertation and that you have reached an agreement in principle with him/her before submitting your application.

Semester Suggested Deadline Official Deadline
Undergraduate Programs  
Fall February 1st March 1st 
Winter* August 1st  September 15th 
Graduate Programs  
Fall February 1st  Varies according to program. Consult deadlines.
Winter  August 1st   September 15th

*For undergraduate programs, winter admissions are only possible for programs without limited enrolment.

To expedite the processing of your application and to ensure that you can begin the immigration procedures necessary for your arrival in Quebec in time, it is highly recommended that you submit your application as early as possible.

You must apply for admission online. You can also fill out a hard copy of an admission application form.

For graduate studies, you also need to fill out a respondent’s report , if required by the program.

In a single application, you can specify up to 3 program choices at the undergraduate level (your 3rd choice should be an unrestricted program to ensure a place at the University) and up to 2 program choices at the graduate levels.

With mail or online applications, according to the level of study, please include the following:

If your documents are in a language other than French or English, they must be accompanied by a certified English or French translation.

Be sure to include all required elements with your application. An incomplete application may delay its processing and could even lead to a refusal. No acknowledgment of receipt will be sent to you.

You will receive an answer for each of your choices: in electronic format if you have applied online and by mail if you have submitted your application on the printed form. 

Approximate processing times

Have you been accepted into a program at UQAM? Congratulations! Please go to the You're accepted page to confirm your registration and prepare for your arrival in Quebec.

Helpful links

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